Try These Fun First Date Ideas

fun first date ideasIf your idea of first date is dinner and movie, well it seems as if you are running out of fun first date ideas. The “dinner and a movie” type of date is a thing of the past. You might find this article useful to add momentum into your dating life. Spice up your dating life by following some of these tips about first dates.

Tip #1 – Ask your date what she would like to do. Sometimes, men fail to ask their date about their cool first date ideas. Knowing what your woman wants would make it a lot easier for you to plan things. Her inputs will provide you with creative ideas on how to make her feel special.

Tip#2 – Go to the beach. Most beaches provide the opportunity to get comfortable with one another and is surely one of the effective fun first date ideas. It is a venue wherein it is neither too crowded nor too intimate. You have the chance to spend time together less the interruptions from other people.

Tip#3 – Visit an art gallery or museums. Viewing art pieces will give you and your date some topics to talk about. This will also help you to learn something about your date based on how she interprets the art pieces. However, you have to make sure that your date is still interested in you and not on the art pieces alone.

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  • Cool First Date Ideas You Can Do | First Date Ideas December 9, 2011 Reply

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    […] to outdoor markets is one of the fun first date ideas that you and your date will surely enjoy. It is a good way to walk, talk and laugh together about […]

  • First Date Tips: How To Have A Good Time : First Date Ideas December 26, 2012 Reply

    […] Among first date ideas, humor ranks just as high as honesty. Not only does it break the ice with your date, but it hedges away nervousness that you may be feeling, too. Stay away from scripted jokes or contrived anecdotes, though. Often, if someone else has to write a joke for you, it is only funny when they tell it. Find humor in the things that you both are experiencing on the date: the funny way she says your name, the number of times he drops the fork, the way the wait staff almost spills the water on you both. Stay away from politics and religion, too. Both subjects can become heated and controversial very quickly. There is no need to let a difference in philosophy ruin your good time on a first date. […]

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