Exciting First Date Ideas: Getting Her To Your Bed

first date ideasSo you’ve got a first date with a cool girl and you want things to go well, and you want it set up so things can move effortlessly to the bedroom if you want to muddle around.

Having the option to sleep with a girl on the first date doesn’t happen by accident.

It happens because you set things up from the very start so the only practical outcome is messing around.

I’ve found that girls are more likely to come to your house on a first date if they’ve already seen where you live.

So, it’s a good idea to let her see your place at the start of the date. You DON’T want her to come in, nor do you even propose it.

All you want to do is let her see where you live so when the two of you are trying to decide where to go after your normal date.

And one of you suggests going to your house to check out your book/CD/Star Trek gear collection that she is somewhat familiar with where she’s going.

Now, there are A lot of ways you can really creep her out with this, so you have to be careful. But, there are a couple of good ways to set this up too.

One way is to have her meet you at your house and then the two of you can leave from your place.

If you do this, you have to meet her at the door, do not invite her in, or if you do invite her in for some unexpected reason, tell her to stand there by the door and wait for you.

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If she chooses to move from the doorway to the couch or a chair, fine. But don’t suggest it.

If you suggest it, she’ll be on the defensive because she’s thinking that you expect something, and that is really, really bad.

Also, if she comes in your place before the date, don’t touch her while she’s inside.

Then, when you get outside, make a production about being sorry for taking so long and give her a hug.

That right there will put her mind at ease that you don’t expect anything physical.

And it will make her wonder if you really are that attracted in her, and that will make her chase you if you do the other things right.




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