Top 5 First Date Questions

First things first get comfortable. She wants to be with you and has agreed to date you. You’re already quid’s in as far as she is concerned so don’t think you’re going to slip up. The trick to having a successful date is to keep the conversation flowing. That means as a host you need to entertain her. To start conversations ask her about things she is comfortable with. These topics can be about her kids, if she has any, her family, her friends anything really. Keep her at ease and keep prodding away at her. Sooner or later you’ll both begin to relax and the conversations will become a lot more natural.

1. Do you have any kids?

This would be a good question on two counts. Most mothers enjoy talking about their children and will be able to open up quite quickly and easy. They would also be pleased to see you taking an interest. You can follow up this question with other personal thoughts so this is a good icebreaker. The other reason why it is a good question is because if you intend on dating this girl you will probably have to meet the children at one stage or other. So this is your opportunity to get to know both mother and child.

2. Where did you grow up?

I like this question as often a girl can easily tell you whether her experiences of growing up was either good or bad. You can learn a lot from her answers and be able to see what kind of person she is. The past can be either a good memory or not. If she had a lousy childhood do not keep on pushing these points instead revert back to a popular question and one that won’t make her miserable.

3. What kind of work do you do?

More often than not, this is one of the most asked questions in the universe. This would be her opportunity to let you know what she does for a living. Once you have her answer you can ask a whole heap of other questions related to her occupation. It is very interesting what you can gather from this leading question.

4. Which parent do you mostly resemble?

This is an easy question to ask. There could be a multiple of answers but I can guarantee you that the girl will have no trouble answering this one. In fact it could spark a huge family story so it is a great question to ask someone you hardly know.

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5. What do you do for fun?

Take notice of what she says. If she likes sports and going to the gym ask her how much time she dedicates herself to it. If she likes eating out ask what restaurants or what her favorite foods are. You can pick up some handy little tips on what kinds of things she likes so when you go on that second date you can do something she loves. It’s a winner in my book.

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