First Date Ideas For Women: Give It Your Best Shot

The first date you have with a girl can make or break the whole bond. It can be the difference between never seeing her again and seeing her for breakfast the next morning.

Well, here are some prodigious first date ideas that work with women of all ages.

I’ve gone on these dates in the last year with an 18 year old girl up to a 30 year old woman. They have all ended up in bed.

The key is to do something that arouses her mind and body.Doing something she’s never done before is seamless.

You want it to be something you are either good at, like to do, or are excited to try out.

I would also like you to think about doing something where the focus of the first date isn’t on you and her.

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You want the pressure off of you.

That means doing something active whether that’s walking an art museum or skydiving, you don’t want the center of the date to be on getting to know each other. Getting to know each other will happen unsurprisingly as you do things together.

It also helps if there is a component of risk, or apparent danger, to the first date. I’m thinking anything from shoplifting to a roller coaster to whitewater rafting to crashing a wedding.

And yes, I have used all those first date ideas… I can tell you that it leaves a great imprint and years later these women remember you.

The Sneak In Somewhere First Date

Sneak in somewhere. These are some of my favorite first dates. You go to the zoo or the train yard after dark. If you’re a good talker, talk your way backstage to an event. If you’re a good talker but not THAT good, sneak into the pool at your local hotel or crash a wedding.

The Shooting Range First Date

Go to a shooting range. This one is cool even if you aren’t great with guns. Something snaps in the brain of a woman when she starts blasting away at a target. She gets turned on.

Even women you might not think would get into this will love it. All the better if you have something that “blows up” when you hit it, like a milk jug full of water.

The Playground First Date

Go to the local park and play on the swings, hang out on the monkey bars, and play on the slides. This is a good day or night date, especially for online dating where women want to meet you during the day and in public sometimes. I’ve made a killing with this one.



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