Come Up With Cheap Date Ideas


The time-honored “dinner and a movie” formula for a date is an excellent way to win over your sweetheart, but with the cost of a meal and theater tickets threatening to rise above three figures, it may be necessary to fall back on cheap date ideas. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to get in quality time with a boyfriend or girlfriend without having to dip too deep into your wallet.

Check out areas all around your city where there are free attractions. Many times a museum or a zoo will have exhibits that are free of charge at a certain time of the day or week in order to drum in more customers. While you may have to shoulder your way through some crowds to get to the exhibit, it is better than shelling out cash.

If the great outdoors beckons you every time you take a look around a crowded city or highway, do your best to escape the city limits and go to the nearest state or national park. All are free for day trips, besides a small fee for parking.

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• Go hiking through the depths of old-growth forests and bring along a nature book to look for birds, plants, and insects.
• Go by a park with a lake or a river and bring bathing suits to survive the hottest part of the day.
• If you have a pair of bicycles, trek through the back lanes and get a sight of the interior, challenging one another to races.

• Sometimes a board game is capable of causing the clock to just melt away. Complex board games like Monopoly, Risk, Stratego and Life can all last several hours even if there are only two people playing. Get competitive and talk some smack in order to liven up the competition.

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  • couples on a date (12)



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