How To Have A Perfect First Date

Plan on keeping the first date brief. Two hours or less is usually perfect, so don’t plan (or agree to) some all-day activity. You want an escape hatch in case things don’t work out.

Unless the sparks are really flying and things are headed for a first-date hookup, it’s better to cut things short. You should be the one to decide when the date ends. (“Well I’ve got a huge day tomorrow, I need to be up early…I had a great time, we’ll have to do this again soon.”)

Don’t stretch things out so that the other person is checking their watch and saying they need to get home.

Always be punctual. Forget about being “fashionably late”: it’s disrespectful and sets a bad tone.

Make sure you know the directions to the location, and arrive 10 minutes early so that you’re totally prepared. Women hate it when they are the first to arrive (which is why they normally show up 10-30 minutes late).

Don’t split the check. Fellas, never allow her to chip in for the bill. If she offers, politely insist that you’re paying—but earn some points, too.



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