Think Like A Man: First Date Ideas For College Students

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There are so many things that you should be aware of while you are going on your first date. Whether it be a blind date or a date with a friend, the first impression is so important.

The reason why the first date with your friend is important is because most likely they are going to see a whole other side of you. From the way you dress to a more personal side.

We are going to go over all of these different tips for you so that you will have a better understanding of a first date.

Let’s go ahead and start with initiating the date itself. Know first of all that we are definitely in a different era and guys asking girls on a date is a thing of the past. dude, step up and ask her.

How you ask? First of all it is recommended that you at least know her well enough that you already have her phone number.

If not simply ask her “May I call you sometime?” This is hopefully her queue to go ahead and give you her number. If not,  just ask her flat out for her number. If she is interested in you, she will not hesitate, usually.



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