Category: Uncategorized

Avoid Getting Shot Down: Common Approach Mistakes

Shot down again? Pay attention, it happens to the best of us. But if it’s happening to you more often than not, then maybe you need some work on your approach so you’ll stop being forced to take a premature exit. So if you want to win a small amount of battles of your own, and take home a few…

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Prepare Yourself To Meet Women Tonight

Here’s an old saying: “Luck is when opportunity meets preparation.” If you want to be more successful out on the town, you need to prepare before you go out. Here are crucial things that you can work on RIGHT NOW that will noticeably improve your game TONIGHT. Read Up On Current Events Scan the news today and stay informed on the latest…

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First Date Tips for Men That Are Worth Trying

There is nothing more terrifying with the thought of alluring a lady for a first date.  This is essential in every planned first formal encounter. Thus, it is said that this is a testing process. When you successfully made the lady say “yes” to a casual date invitation, it is an accomplishment for a man. Consider yourself fortunate then. In…

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