A recent Ohio State University study established what many of us single folks already know: that first impressions count more. Among other things, the research found that when someone deceives another early on in their interaction, it is more perplexing to overcome than if the same thing occurred later on.
Those participating in the study were asked to play a game with another person (unknowingly to them, a computer program), deciding whether or not to cooperate or compete early on in the interaction. Those subjects who were competed against in the first two rounds of the game were angrier and found their ‘partner’ less dependable, as opposed to the subjects whose competition occurred later on. As well, the unhappy folks were more likely to fight with their computer generated counterparts in the last ten rounds of the game.
But how does this information translate to the dating world? Simple. If you have to cancel at the last minute with someone you’re either just meeting or have only interacted with once or twice, know that you’re facing an uphill battle. In fact, any transgressions during those first few crucial meetings will be more harshly judged than if they took place several months down the road.
To date successfully as a man or woman, you need to increase your confidence level. Some things are easy to change, while other idiosyncrasies will take some practice. One thing is certain: Nothing can be achieved without trying.
If you never leave the house because you don’t feel so great about yourself, then unless you use an Internet dating service, no one is going to come to you.

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