Cool First Date Ideas You Can Do

Cool First Date Ideas You Can Do


cool first date ideasSweaty palms and butterflies in the stomach are normal for those people who are just going out on a first date. It is very important to put your best foot forward during the first date, this will give you better chance on having repeat date with the guy or girl you like. If you are unsure on what to do during your first date, here are some cool first date ideas which you may wish to try. Although it would be much better if you research on what your date would like to do.

Dine out is on top of the list of cool first date ideas; there is nothing like food to put everyone at ease. If you have nothing to say, you can eat; if your mouth is dry, you can take a sip of your drink. Do not take her to a Japanese restaurant if she does not like sashimi. Remain within your budget; splurging so much on the first date just to make an impression does not guarantee second dates or repeat dates. And also, do not order spaghetti with red sauce; this dish can mess up your act especially if you are nervous.

Dine in one of your favorite restaurant is always on top of the list of cool first date ideas; it would surely make you and your date comfortable with each other. If you ran out of things to talk about on your fun first date, you can always eat; if you feel that your mouth is getting dry because of nervousness, you can easily sip from your drink. If your date does not enjoy eating tempura or sashimi, there is no sense in bringing her in Japanese restaurant. Stay within your allotted budget; spending too much during the first date is not a guarantee of any second date or repeat dates. Avoid ordering food such as spaghetti with red sauce. You would not want to mess up your outfit in case you get too jittery.

Cool First Date Ideas You Can Enjoy

Hiking in the woods is also on the list of cool first date ideas, most especially if you both enjoy the outdoors. If your date enjoy bird-watching, start packing your bags and carry binoculars to enjoy the beautiful birds. You can hit the beach if you and your date would love to go swimming or sunbathing.

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Nature tripping; if you both like the outdoors, why not try a hike in the woods during your first date? Or if you like bird-watching, pack your bags and binoculars for a day out. Or you may want to go to the beach and just enjoy swimming and sunbathing. The outdoors can really melt your inhibitions because you will feel freer.

Group date is also a better alternative; if you still do not know each other that much or not comfortable of going out alone, you can tag along some friends. An outdoor picnic with your common friends will be a perfect idea for first date or you can do any other activities together with your common friends. It will also provide you the opportunity to know the group of friends; once you become a couple you will get to hang out with these people too. It is a great chance to see the kind of friends that your date has.

The idea of first date is quite a challenging endeavour; however, it should not have to be that way. You can actually come up with a memorable date if you have given it much thought and preparation. It is essential that look for a place that you can be both comfortable and at ease. In case any of you is strained with the atmosphere, chances are your first date will turn into a real disaster. The venue of date plays an important role in the success of these cool first date ideas and will make it more memorable too.

Copyright 2011 – Cool First Date Ideas

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