First Date Ideas For Men

There are some things that women find striking in men, no matter what society, culture or country they’re from. There are several of these qualities that have been identified, and in this post I’d like to cover three of them:

1. Being Fit

2. Being Socially Insightful

3. Having a Sense of Humor

Let’s take a look at the first one: being healthy. A woman wants to know that you’re going to be there for a while, and be able to take care of her for the long term—however long she figures that will be.

It’s not just about being in decent shape that she finds significant; it’s even more vital that you are clean, well groomed and have some sense of style. If you don’t have major health matters, you’re going to be fine. Even if you do, just spin them so that they don’t restrict with you doing the things you want to with your life.

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For example you had an accident. But I tell you what, I spin it in a way that tells them I’m immortal, blessed to be in such good shape that I’m fully mobile after an accident that leaves 83% of people not being able to walk again. Most of them don’t even live. I’m supposed to be dead! That’s how you turn something negative into a positive that works in your favor. The important thing is to show that you have it under control and you’re dealing with it.

Social perception, means that you have an understanding of how the world works; her world in particular. It also means doing and saying the right things in social situations. If you’re not good at this already, then one of the best things you can do is to go out in public with people that ARE good at it and observe them. Watch how they talk to people, the way they use touch, their tone of voice and body language.

When we laugh with somebody, it creates a connection with them. Just like having an orgasm, laughing produces chemicals in woman’s body that create optimistic sensations and positive feelings for the person that caused them. But here’s the thing having a sense of humor is NOT a desirability trigger. I know, I know, that flies in the face of everything you hear from everybody. Every friend, woman, you name it says that women find a sense of humor striking.




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